Vuna turns 8!
Time has certainly flown by
In 2015, we launched Vuna Origin Consulting. The name “Vuna” (to harvest in Kiswahili), is a tribute to Tanzanian coffee professionals, with whom Sara started her coffee journey. From the get go, we had one big dream: making coffee equitable and sustainable.
We knew it would be a difficult challenge, nevertheless, we are never alone. By working alongside with origin coffee professionals all over the world, together, we embrace the ups and down from this big dream.
After 8 years, the journey is a box of mixed chocolate: failures, success, and some surprises. It feels bitter when failures occurred, but the joy of overcoming the harsh scenarios help us grow strong and better.
Along the journey, we learnt that celebrating our accomplishments and learn from our mistake can lead to more opportunities.
From Cherry to Heart, to Vuna Coffee School
Launching our very own Cherry to Heart model was a pivotal moment. A model that unlocks the business potential of any green coffee company by matching it with a suite of tailor-made consulting services and fundamantional coffee trading education delivered digitally.
As life prevails, one knows that with success also comes a healthy dose of surprises along the way.
In 2020, many in the industry told us that digital education will not work for origin coffee professionals. 3 years later, with a community of over 850 students from all coffee producing countries, we are digitalizing a critical part of the supply chain by cementing the foundational coffee trading knowledge at scale.
Never lose sight on what matters the most
There has been tough times too. There’s been times we doubted ourselves. Other times, we overestimated ourselves. The biggest learning of the past 8 years is never lose sight of what our community of origin coffee professional need from us to grow and scale their business.
We feel grateful for the opportunities this community has given us. And we are even more grateful to the people that have stuck by us and helped us be better.
Thank you for the partners such as Root Capital, Progreso Foundation, GIZ, Fairtrade International, International Trade Center, Vuna team, and our board. Your friendship and insights continuously lift Vuna to new highs.
Together the dream of making coffee equitable and sustainable is within reach.